مميزات التدريب

  • مدة التدريب 4 يومs
  • المدة الزمنية
  • المكان Claas-based & Online
سجل في التدريب

عن التدريب

 نظام إدارة سلامة الأغذية الذي يمكن تطبيقه بسهولة على أي مؤسسة في السلسلة الغذائية.

تساعد ISO 22000 المؤسسات على تقليل مخاطر الغذاء وتحسين الأداء فيما يتعلق بسلامة الأغذية.

It is the food safety management system that can be easily applicable to any organization in the food chain. 

ISO 22000 helps organizations minimize food risks and improve performance as it relates to food safety. 

Minimizing food risks leads to better health and safety outcomes for customers, other users, employees and others who may come into contact with food. 

Having an FSMS helps you reliably deliver products that meet customer expectations.

Compliance with regulatory requirements is required to achieve certification to ISO 22000. Having an FSMS in place can help companies meet these requirements and understand how they impact the organization and its customers.

ISO 22000 links to various other international standards and guidelines and can help organizations meet the requirements of these systems as well.

ISO 22000 helps organizations improve the traceability of their products and achieve greater transparency regarding operations.

Having an FSMS in place can help organizations respond more quickly and efficiently to issues that may compromise food safety, helping them stop potential contamination before it occurs.

If contamination does occur, an FSMS helps organizations reduce the time it takes to investigate any food safety breaches, solving the problem faster.

You will learn how to implement the standard close by close.