BRCGS Root Cause Analysis.

BRCGS Root Cause Analysis.

مميزات التدريب

  • مدة التدريب 1 يوم
  • المدة الزمنية
  • المكان Claas-based & Online
سجل في التدريب

عن التدريب

تهدف هذه الدورة إلى تزويد المتدربين بفهم شامل لتحليل السبب الجذري (RCA) لمعرفة أهمية تحليل السبب الجذري ، وليكونوا قادرين على أداء تحليل السبب الجذري بكفاءة. هذا مفيد بشكل خاص عند تنفيذ بعض المتطلبات في معايير BRCGS.

Who should attend: Consultants/Auditors/Quality and safety management staff at manufacturing, storage/distribution and retail sites and BRCGS Professionals.

Assessment: Course Assignment – Root Cause Analysis; Pass mark 75%.

Course summary: This course is to provide delegates with a thorough understanding of root cause analysis (RCA) to know the importance of RCA, and to be able to perform RCA competently. This is especially helpful when implementing some of the requirements in the BRCGS Standards.

Key learning objectives:

At the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

• Define root cause analysis (RCA)

• Understand difference between symptoms and RCA

• Understand the role and importance of RCA in compliance with the BRCGS Standards

• Explore some common methods for undertaking RCA

• Be able to perform a RCA and document it effectively