BRCGS Environmental Monitoring.

BRCGS Environmental Monitoring.

مميزات التدريب

  • مدة التدريب 1 يوم
  • المدة الزمنية 8 Hours
  • المكان Claas-based & Online
سجل في التدريب

عن التدريب

ستزود هذه الدورة المتدربين بفهم المكونات الرئيسية للمراقبة البيئية المبرمجة لتحديد المخاطر الميكروبيولوجية المحتملة في الإنتاج ومناطق المنتجات المفتوحة ؛ بالإضافة إلى شرح طرق أخذ العينات المختلفة والعناصر الأساسية للإجراء التصحيحي.

Who should attend: Auditors/Consultants and Technical and quality personnel.

Assessment: Course assignment – workplace assessment; Pass mark 75%.

Course summary: This course will provide delegates with an understanding of the key components of an environmental monitoring programmed to identify potential microbiological risks in production and open product areas; in addition to explaining different sampling methods and key elements of a corrective action procedure. This is particularly useful when implementing an environmental monitoring programmed based on the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8 requirements and industry best practices.

Key learning objectives :

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

• Understand Issue 8 requirements and key components of an environmental monitoring programmed, including risk assessment, sampling location, target organisms, test methods, sample frequency, establishing control limits, appropriate corrective action, validation/ verification of the programmed

• Describe appropriate target organisms and identify suitable sampling locations

• Explain different sampling methods

• Explain appropriate corrective action for environmental monitoring failures

• Develop an environmental monitoring programmed based on Issue 8 requirements and industry best practices